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Let's make it official!

We are proud and excited to announce that Jinja Paediatric Improvement Project (JPIP) is now a registered UK Charity (number 1166230). We have also recruited as a third trustee a fellow paediatrician, Sara, who is an organisational force of nature and who we thank for a lot of this year's progress. Although she has not yet been to Jinja, has worked nearby on the other coast of beautiful Lake Victoria in Tanzania and also in northern Namibia.

Becoming registered as a charity was an important step for us, in order to be transparent and accountable to the community in Jinja as well as to the people who support us. It also means that any future donations from UK taxpayers are eligible for 25% more money from the UK government - a no-brainer really!

Last month there was also another first for JPIP: we used your kind donations to buy a new oxygen concentrator machine, which has already been used to save lives on the Children’s Emergency ward:

In the coming weeks and months we will start putting the rest of the money raised to further good use and applying for grants and other sources of funding to keep the ball rolling. As well as regular website updates, we would love to keep you informed from time to time of the work that we are doing by sending you a quick email - you can subscribe using the box at the top of the page.

If you have any ideas for us, want to get involved or would like to donate towards any of the project then please do have a look around our website, donate on our Totalgiving page and feel free to use the contact form - we would love to hear from you!

Registered in England and Wales 

Charity number 1166230

Copyright JPIP 2016.

Permission was given for all photos used.

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